Submitting your Abstract
The 1st Himalayan Cysticercosis Conference welcomes the submission of abstracts for original contribution to the
field in the following scientific tracks:
Track A: Basic and Translational Research
Track B: Clinical Research
Track C: Epidemiology, Public Health and Prevention Research
Track D: Veterinary Research
Track E: Innovation in Cysticercosis
Track F: Case Studies in Cysticercosis
Track G: Miscellaneous
Call for Abstracts
15th April 2018
Abstract Submission
30th September 2018
Notification of Review 15th October 2018
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline
15th November 2018 (Poster Only)
Presentation Type
The programme committee will select abstracts to be presented as an oral presentation from the abstracts submitted under ‘Poster and Oral’. These abstracts will also be required to present a poster. The presenting Author will be informed of any change to their submitted presentation type at the acceptance notification stage. The decision of the programme committee is final.
Oral Format
Oral presentations will be divided into 4 groups, as follows:
Keynote Speakers: 20 mins + 2 mins for a Q/A Session
Guest Lecturers: 15 mins + 2 mins for a Q/A Session
Other Delegates and participants: A (13+2 mins) and B (8+2 mins). The categories A or B will be mentioned to the presenters after the decision made by the scientific committee.
Submit your abstracts to
Poster Format
Accepted posters will be asked to produce a poster for display at the conference. Presenters are asked to take note of the following guidelines when producing their poster:
There will be 3 minutes for poster presentations followed by a 2 minute Q/A session
Maximum poster size is A0 (0.84 x 1.19m)
Keep text to a minimum
Ensure any text is in large font (min. size 16 font)
Use graphs, charts, and/or tables
Ensure contents have a logical flow
Make it colourful
Removal and collection of posters at the end of the display period will be the responsibility of the presenter. Posters not removed by the indicated take down time will be removed and disposed of
Submission Process
Online abstract submission is a simple step by step process where you will need you to include the following details in your email:
Title of the abstract (word limit is 30)
The theme must be chosen from the theme list above
Name, affiliation, and job title of Presenting Author (this person will act as the main contact for this abstract; this person must be listed as the first author)
Name, affiliation, and job title of co-author(s)
Abstract word limit is 300, excluding Title, Authors and Affiliations
Please list if you have any conflict of interest and list your group name (if applicable).
Download the abstract template HERE to create the abstract as a Word document and then save as a Word file for uploading to the system. Graphs and tables may not be included in the abstract.
Please send in your the abstracts in the desired format in the email: hccnepal2018@gmail.com mentioning the track related to the research